Preselect your order substitutions
Pick replacements for sold-out items.
Step 1

Review your order

Select “Review or edit your substitution preferences” to begin.Go to your cart
Step 2

Edit your preferences

Select “Edit” next to each item to choose the next best match.Go to your cart
Step 3

Choose your substitutions

Pick from suggested items, search for alternatives or opt out.Go to your cart

We’ll remember your picks!

When you reorder items, we’ll use your preferred substitutions.Start another order
Start a pickup or delivery order|Start an order
Reserve a time & shop your list.

Customer Choice FAQ

Are substitutes available on all orders?

Will I have the opportunity to refuse substituted items?

Will I be charged more if the substituted item costs more?

Will I see multiple charges on my credit/debit card?

How do substituted items affect my SNAP/EBT benefits?

Can I update and change my substitution preferences once I've placed my order?

Can I opt out of receiving substituted items altogether?

If a substitute item is more expensive than my original choice, will I be charged the higher price?