Design 101
How to Design a Kids' Room "Camp-In"
A kids' room inspired by summer camps with a bunk bed, tents, log pillows, pennant flags, and more.
Design 101
How to Design a Kids' Room "Camp-In"
Spending time outdoors has always been one of my favorite pastimes. I have the fondest memories from the sleepaway camps that I attended as a child. However, it’s not always possible to pack up for a quick camping trip every weekend. So, if your kids are anything like mine, you have to get creative. I love the idea of giving your kids’ rooms a camping-inspired makeover for the summer. This way, they’ll can feel the magic of sleeping under the stars in their very own bedrooms. Here are my top tips for how to create a kids’ room “camp-in.”
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Kasia Grobelny
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